Adding a PWP to your Bag
The following document outlines a sample of how to identify PWP's (Purchase with a Purchase) and add to bag. PWP's are sometimes regular products that are heavily discounted and offered to you when you add an item to your bag. They can also be items that are not available for sale on but can be purchased when adding a certain item or hitting a monetary threshold. In the sample below you have the option to buy a Lancome Beauty Box for $59.50 with any Lancome purchase.
1. Add a item to bag that has an eligible PWP offer:
Request URL:
Accept: application/json
Request Body(Payload)
{ "item": { "quantity": 1, "upcId": 33312110 } }
{ "bag": { "bagId": 427523048, "bagGUID": "68d0266b-f0a4-4ad4-9fb3-da34dc86033e", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 9457122577, "userGuid": "55acd8f6-2412-4e87-b1fa-ef4edef6203f", "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 9.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 9.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 3.57, "itemCount": 4, "grandTotal": 63.07, "merchandiseTotal": 59.5, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 6, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping with any $50 Beauty purchase! ", "originalPrice": 9.95, "promotionId": 19813545, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 9.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping with any $50 Beauty purchase! ", "expirationDate": "2020-01-01", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 59.5, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 59.5, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 59.5, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1587420, "upcId": 33312110, "upcNumber": "3605970764852", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "MAKECHOICE", "discount": 2, "giftCardAmount": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": true, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 0, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 2, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "promotionId": 19845958, "wishListId": 0, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "originalPrice": 2, "promotionId": 19845958, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SUBTOTAL", "type": "Threshold GWP", "amountDiscounted": 2, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "expirationDate": "2015-02-23", "itemSequenceNumber": 2, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 2, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1818350, "upcId": 33696662, "upcNumber": "492017951589", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "MAKECHOICE", "discount": 2, "giftCardAmount": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": true, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 0, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 2, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "promotionId": 19845959, "wishListId": 0, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "originalPrice": 2, "promotionId": 19845959, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SUBTOTAL", "type": "Threshold GWP", "amountDiscounted": 2, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "expirationDate": "2015-02-23", "itemSequenceNumber": 3, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 2, "sequenceNumber": 3, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1818348, "upcId": 30321475, "upcNumber": "3605975090123", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "MAKECHOICE", "discount": 2, "giftCardAmount": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": true, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 0, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 2, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "promotionId": 19845960, "wishListId": 0, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "originalPrice": 2, "promotionId": 19845960, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SUBTOTAL", "type": "Threshold GWP", "amountDiscounted": 2, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "expirationDate": "2015-02-23", "itemSequenceNumber": 4, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 2, "sequenceNumber": 4, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1818349, "upcId": 33702984, "upcNumber": "492017951619", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [ { "promotionId": 19839243, "bonusOffer": false, "yourPrice": 59.5, "giftProductId": 1587420, "quantity": 1 }, { "promotionId": 19842233, "bonusOffer": false, "yourPrice": 38.5, "giftProductId": 1605001, "quantity": 1 } ], "uycApplicable": false } }
2. Retrieve Bag again to see if Item added has a PWP offer:
If the item you added to the bag has PWP offer you will see it "productpromotionoffers" array. You will see that there is a "giftproductid" populated and the "yourprice" attribute will give you the offer price.
Request URL:
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
{ "bag": { "bagId": 427523048, "bagGUID": "68d0266b-f0a4-4ad4-9fb3-da34dc86033e", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 9457122577, "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 9.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 9.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 3.57, "itemCount": 4, "grandTotal": 63.07, "merchandiseTotal": 59.5, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 6, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping with any $50 Beauty purchase! ", "originalPrice": 9.95, "promotionId": 19813545, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 9.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping with any $50 Beauty purchase! ", "expirationDate": "2020-01-01", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 59.5, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 59.5, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 59.5, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1587420, "upcId": 33312110, "upcNumber": "3605970764852", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "MAKECHOICE", "discount": 2, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": true, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 0, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 2, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 19845958, "wishListId": 0, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "originalPrice": 2, "promotionId": 19845958, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SUBTOTAL", "type": "Threshold GWP", "amountDiscounted": 2, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "expirationDate": "2015-02-23", "itemSequenceNumber": 2, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 2, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1818350, "upcId": 33696662, "upcNumber": "492017951589", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "MAKECHOICE", "discount": 2, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": true, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 0, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 2, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 19845959, "wishListId": 0, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "originalPrice": 2, "promotionId": 19845959, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SUBTOTAL", "type": "Threshold GWP", "amountDiscounted": 2, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "expirationDate": "2015-02-23", "itemSequenceNumber": 3, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 2, "sequenceNumber": 3, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1818348, "upcId": 30321475, "upcNumber": "3605975090123", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "MAKECHOICE", "discount": 2, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": true, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 0, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 2, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 19845960, "wishListId": 0, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "originalPrice": 2, "promotionId": 19845960, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SUBTOTAL", "type": "Threshold GWP", "amountDiscounted": 2, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free 7-Pc. gift with any $35 Lancome purchase", "expirationDate": "2015-02-23", "itemSequenceNumber": 4, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 2, "sequenceNumber": 4, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1818349, "upcId": 33702984, "upcNumber": "492017951619", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [ { "promotionId": 19839243, "bonusOffer": false, "yourPrice": 59.5, "giftProductId": 1587420, "quantity": 1 }, { "promotionId": 19842233, "bonusOffer": false, "yourPrice": 38.5, "giftProductId": 1605001, "quantity": 1 } ], "uycApplicable": false } }
3. Get details about MAKECHOICE GWP:
Use the value found in the "giftproductid" field to pull up more details about the offer using a product detail call. For this example, we are going to look at productid: 1587420.
NOTE: The "skuid" is also known as the "upcid".
See below:
Request URL:
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
{ "product": [ { "id": 1587420, "summary": { "name": "Choose a Lancôme Beauty Box - Only $59.50 with any Lancôme purchase", "description": "Choose a Lancôme Beauty Box - Only $59.50 with any Lancôme purchase. 12 Full-Size Lancôme Beauty Essentials plus a deluxe skincare sample, a train case and an artistry guide to help perfect your Holiday Makeup Look. Choose Your Look--Chic Neutrals or Party Plums! Set includes:", "pdpflag": "SIMPLE", "taxwarecode": 0, "producttype": "GWP_PRODUCT", "brand": "Lancôme", "onsale": false, "producturl": "", "instoreeligible": true, "iscollection": false, "incollection": false, "onclearance": false, "newarrival": false, "customerrating": 4.8571, "shippingreturntext": [ "This item may only be shipped using Express,Premium,Standard" ], "poboxrestriction": false, "shippingmethodcode": [ "O", "2", "G" ] }, "image": [ { "imagetype": "PRIMARY_IMAGE", "imageurl": ",255,255&wid=100&qlt=90&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg", "imagename": "1/optimized/2392861_fpx", "colorized": true, "sequenceNumber": 0, "hasMoreColors": false, "numberColors": 1, "isPrimaryImage": true }, { "imagetype": "ADDITIONAL_IMAGE", "imageurl": ",255,255&wid=100&qlt=90&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg", "imagename": "2/optimized/2392862_fpx", "sequenceNumber": 0 } ], "price": { "regular": { "value": 59.5 }, "shippingfee": 0, "pricetype": "Ticket", "pricetypeid": 0 }, "availability": { "availableonline": true, "onlineinventory": 2581, "onorderqty": 0, "maxorderqty": 6, "instoreeligible": true }, "category": [ { "id": 58476, "name": "Gifts with Purchase", "type": "homecategory" }, { "id": 669, "name": "Beauty", "type": "rootcategory" } ], "attribute": [ { "name": "AGE_CATEGORY", "values": [ { "value": "Adult" } ] }, { "name": "BEAUTY_GIFTING", "values": [ { "value": "Gifts with Purchase" } ] }, { "name": "BRAND", "values": [ { "value": "Lancôme" } ] }, { "name": "BULLET_TEXT", "values": [ { "value": "Cils Booster XL", "seqnum": 1 }, { "value": "Bi Facil Double-Action Eye Makeup Remover", "seqnum": 2 }, { "value": "Dual End Liner & Shadow Brush", "seqnum": 3 }, { "value": "Deluxe Sample of Advanced Genifique", "seqnum": 4 }, { "value": "Chic Neutrals includes: ", "seqnum": 5 }, { "value": "Definicils ", "seqnum": 6 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Lip in Natural Beauty", "seqnum": 7 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Lip in Sugared Maple", "seqnum": 8 }, { "value": "Le Crayon Kohl in Black Coffee", "seqnum": 9 }, { "value": "Juicy Tube in Simmer", "seqnum": 10 }, { "value": "Blush Subtil in Blushing Tresor", "seqnum": 11 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow Smooth Hold in Mannequin ", "seqnum": 12 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow Smooth Hold in Kitten Heel ", "seqnum": 13 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow Smooth Hold in Vintage", "seqnum": 14 }, { "value": "Party Plums includes:", "seqnum": 15 }, { "value": "Hypnose Drama", "seqnum": 16 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Lip in Love It", "seqnum": 17 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Lip in Curtain Call", "seqnum": 18 }, { "value": "Juicy Tube in Magic Spell", "seqnum": 19 }, { "value": "Le Crayon Kohl in Black Ebony", "seqnum": 20 }, { "value": "Blush Subtil in Plum Affaire", "seqnum": 21 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow Smooth Hold in Successorize", "seqnum": 22 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow Smooth Hold in All that Brightens", "seqnum": 23 }, { "value": "Color Design Sensational Effects Eye Shadow Smooth Hold in Colour du Jour", "seqnum": 24 }, { "value": "A $304 value", "seqnum": 25 } ] }, { "name": "BUSINESS_CATEGORY", "values": [ { "value": "Beauty" } ] }, { "name": "CUSTRATINGS", "values": [ { "value": "4.8556" } ] }, { "name": "EXCLUDE_ADSENSE", "values": [ { "value": "Y" } ] }, { "name": "FORCED_NEW_END_DATE", "values": [ { "value": "03/30/2015 12:03:00 AM" } ] }, { "name": "FORCED_NEW_START_DATE", "values": [ { "value": "10/01/2014 12:10:00 AM" } ] }, { "name": "GLOBAL_PROMOTION", "values": [ { "value": "N", "seqnum": 1 }, { "value": "Y", "seqnum": 2 } ] }, { "name": "INTL_SUPPRESS_PRODUCT", "values": [ { "value": "Y" } ] }, { "name": "PDF_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION", "values": [ { "value": "Choose a Lancôme Beauty Box - Only $59.50 with any Lancôme purchase" } ] }, { "name": "PRODUCT_ADDITIONAL_IMAGES", "values": [ { "value": "2392862.fpx" } ] }, { "name": "PRODUCT_DATA_SOURCE", "values": [ { "value": "2" } ] }, { "name": "PRODUCT_DEPARTMENT", "values": [ { "value": "GWP Product" } ] }, { "name": "PRODUCT_LONG_DESCRIPTION", "values": [ { "value": "Choose a Lancôme Beauty Box - Only $59.50 with any Lancôme purchase. 12 Full-Size Lancôme Beauty Essentials plus a deluxe skincare sample, a train case and an artistry guide to help perfect your Holiday Makeup Look. Choose Your Look--Chic Neutrals or Party Plums! Set includes:" } ] }, { "name": "PRODUCT_PORTRAIT_IMAGE", "values": [ { "value": "2392861.fpx" } ] }, { "name": "PROMOTION_ID", "values": [ { "value": "19813545", "seqnum": 1 }, { "value": "19832816", "seqnum": 2 }, { "value": "19839242", "seqnum": 3 }, { "value": "19839243", "seqnum": 4 }, { "value": "19842233", "seqnum": 5 }, { "value": "19842925", "seqnum": 6 }, { "value": "19843884", "seqnum": 7 }, { "value": "19845597", "seqnum": 8 }, { "value": "19845958", "seqnum": 9 }, { "value": "19845959", "seqnum": 10 }, { "value": "19845960", "seqnum": 11 }, { "value": "19845961", "seqnum": 12 }, { "value": "19846604", "seqnum": 13 } ] }, { "name": "SHOWONLY_WATERPROOF", "values": [ { "value": "N" } ] }, { "name": "SPECIAL_OFFERS", "values": [ { "value": "Free Shipping", "seqnum": 1 }, { "value": "Percent Off Order", "seqnum": 2 }, { "value": "PWP", "seqnum": 3 }, { "value": "Threshold GWP", "seqnum": 4 } ] }, { "name": "WARRANTY", "values": [ { "value": "N" } ] } ], "upc": [ { "upcnumber": 3605970764852, "skuid": 33312110, "availableonline": true, "onlineinventory": 880, "ordermethod": "POOL", "maxorderqty": 0, "colorway_id": 1, "image": [ { "imagetype": "COLORWAY", "id": 1, "colornormal": "No Color", "color": "No Color" } ], "attribute": [ { "name": "TYPE", "values": [ { "value": "Chic Neutrals " } ] }, { "name": "COLOR", "values": [ { "value": "No Color" } ] }, { "name": "DISCOUNTABLE", "values": [ { "value": "Y" } ] }, { "name": "TYPE", "values": [ { "value": "Chic Neutrals " } ] } ], "upcavailabilitymessage": "In Stock: Usually ships within 2 business days.", "surchargeFee": 0, "backorderable": false }, { "upcnumber": 3605970764975, "skuid": 33312111, "availableonline": true, "onlineinventory": 1701, "ordermethod": "POOL", "maxorderqty": 0, "colorway_id": 1, "image": [ { "imagetype": "COLORWAY", "id": 1, "colornormal": "No Color", "color": "No Color" } ], "attribute": [ { "name": "TYPE", "values": [ { "value": "Party Plums" } ] }, { "name": "COLOR", "values": [ { "value": "No Color" } ] }, { "name": "DISCOUNTABLE", "values": [ { "value": "Y" } ] }, { "name": "TYPE", "values": [ { "value": "Party Plums" } ] } ], "upcavailabilitymessage": "In Stock: Usually ships within 2 business days.", "surchargeFee": 0, "backorderable": false } ], "colorMap": [ { "imagetype": "COLORWAY", "id": 1, "colornormal": "No Color", "color": "No Color" } ] } ] }
4. Update the Shopping Bag with the UPC ID from the product detail call:
NOTE: The "skuid" is also known as the "upcid".
In this example below we are going to use the "upcid" retrieved from the product detail call.
Request URL:
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
Request Body
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