• Register

Credit Card Validation

There are essentially three calls necessary for checkout:






In the second steps, process order, the request body has the following data in the documentation


HTTP Method and Request URL




Sample Requests and Responses

Request URL:



Sample Header:

x-macys-webservice-client-id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
x-macys-clientId: client_id
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


Request Body(Payload)

    "order": {
        "number": "663404032123",
        "userId": "2158067016",
        "orderGuid": "1d400c6c-3f03-4964-aef7-7bcdc0da22a0",
  "context": {
    "channel": "xxxx",
    "clientId": "xxxx",
    "deviceInfo": "xx",
    "ipAddress": "xxx",
    "itemOrigin": "xx",
    "storeAssociatedId": "xx",
    "storeLocationNumber": "xxx",
    "subClientId": "xxx"
        "shipments": [
                "shippingContact": {
                    "address": {
                        "addressLine1": "500 S.Karaemer Boulevard",
                        "city": "Brea",
                        "state": "CA",
                        "country": "USA",
                        "countryCode": "USA",
                        "postalCode": "82812",
                        "validatedFlag": "true"
                    "firstName": "First",
                    "lastName": "Last",
                    "dayPhone": "4326365427"
                "shippingMethod": "G"
        "payment": {
            "tenders": [
                    "alreadyValidate": "true",
                    "cardNumber": "1234123412341234",
                    "cvv": "1004",
                    "expirationMonth": "3",
                    "expirationYear": "2099",
                    "type": "A"
                    "balance": "10.00",
                    "cardNumber": "667100000040408460",
                    "type": "A"
            "contact": {
                "address": {
                    "addressLine1": "500 S.Karaemer Boulevard",
                    "city": "Brea",
                    "state": "CA",
                    "country": "USA",
                    "postalCode": "88888",
                    "validatedFlag": "true"
                "firstName": "Firstpayment",
                "lastName": "Lastpayment",
                "dayPhone": "5556365428",
                "emailAddress": "testuser@macys.com"


The flag ‘alreadyValidate’, if set to true (as in the above example) will skip validation of credit card details in the process order step (2). This will eventually catch the error in the third step place order.


For our needs,  to catch these validation errors earlier, we are able to set the flag ‘alreadyValidate’ to false and see validation errors in step 2 itself. We then are able to make a call to the third step once all the errors are corrected. 

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