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Promotions Share V3


The Promotions Share API allows users to us a POST call to send automated emails to recipient(s) about MACY's Promotions or Coupons.

HTTP Method and Request URL



Path and Query Parameters

HTTP Header Parameters
Parameter Description Mandatory Sample Value
x-macys-webservice-client-id: Pass the apikey as a header value which is called x-macys-webservice-client-id. The api key is the 24 character alphanumeric string assigned to your application when you registered it. Click  here for a list of your API keys. Yes xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept Detemines output format. Can be application/json or application/xml. Yes



Content-Type Specifies the format of body sent. Can be application/json or application/xml. Yes



Request Body Parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Sample Value
promoId Promotion Id
Yes, either promoId or couponId is required 431690
couponId Coupon filter number
Yes, either promoId or couponId is required 431690
senderName Contains the sender name if entered by the user No Daniel
senderEmailAddress Email address of the sender Yes daniel.smith@macys.com
recipientEmailAddress Email address of the recipient(s), to send multiple seperate them with a comma
Yes linda.smith@macys.com
message personal message for recipient(s) (Up to 2000 characters) No Check out this promotion at Macys.com
promo_code Promotion Code No VETDAY
channel The source for the call. Should default to SITE, if not, it takes the given parameter No SITE


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Sample Requests and Responses

Sample Request

Request URL:



HTTP Header:

x-macys-webservice-client-id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Sample Request Body:

"channel": "SITE",
"promoCode": "VETDAY",
"recipientEmailAddress": "linda.smith@macys.com,kathy.smith@macys.com",
"senderEmailAddress": "daniel.smith@macys.com",
"senderName": "Daniel"
"message": "Hey girls check out this promotion at Macy.com - Love Dad" 

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Sample Responses


-promoShareOfferResponse: {
success: true


-promoShareOfferResponse: {
success: false


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Error Codes

Call Specific Error Codes:


General Error Handling Documentation:

Click Here

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